LOST-CoRoNa logo Learning rObust large-Scale human detection, Tracking, and prediction for socially-Compliant Robot Navigation



[28-02-2025]: Our paper titled “Online Context Learning for Socially Compliant Navigation” has been accepted by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)!

[09-12-2024]: Iaroslav successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, congratulations!

[19-03-2024]: Our paper titled “An Open-source Software-hardware Integration Scheme for Embodied Human Perception in Service Robotics” has been accepted by ARSO 2024!

[20-02-2024]: We demonstrated our robot at the UTBM Open Day!

[15-06-2023]: Our paper titled “Human-centered Benchmarking for Socially-compliant Robot Navigation” has been accepted by ECMR 2023!

[31-05-2023]: Iaroslav presented his work at ICRA 2023!

[04-04-2023]: We demonstrated our robot at the Mobicampus around mobility at the Mattern Lab in Sochaux!

[04-03-2023]: We demonstrated our robot at the UTBM Open Day!

[29-11-2022]: We demonstrated our robot at the BE 4.0 - Industries of the Future exhibition in Mulhouse!

[22-04-2022]: The hardware design and the software beta development are completed!

[15-10-2021]: We received a RS-LiDAR-16 sponsored by RoboSense!

[11-10-2021]: Mr. Iaroslav Okunevich joined us as Ph.D. Student!

[14-09-2021]: With the great support of Prof. Hilaire, the Clearpath Jackal robot is in place!


Welcome to LOST-CoRoNa, a research project in the field of mobile robotics funded by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. LOST-CoRoNa will make new contributions to robot navigation in large public indoor environments. Although increasing work focuses on socially aware robot navigation, robust human perception, especially in large and highly dynamic scenes, remains an open problem. In this project, we will leverage a mobile robotics platform equipped with state-of-the-art sensors to detect, track, and predict humans in populated environments in real-time, and learn at the edge to produce long-term robot navigation that conforms to social norms.


Zhi Yan (PI)
Assistant Professor
Yassine Ruichek
Iaroslav Okunevich
Ph.D. Student
Isaac Okunevich


Kevin Li Sun
Principal Scientist
NIO Inc.
Tomas Krajnik
Associate Professor
CTU in Prague


  1. Iaroslav Okunevich. Online context learning for socially-compliant robot navigation. Ph.D. in Computer Science, Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (UBFC), 2021-2024.


  1. Iaroslav Okunevich, Alexandre Lombard, Tomas Krajnik, Yassine Ruichek, and Zhi Yan. Online context learning for socially compliant navigation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), March 2025.

  2. Iaroslav Okunevich, Vincent Hilaire, Stéphane Galland, Olivier Lamotte, Yassine Ruichek, and Zhi Yan. An open-source software-hardware integration scheme for embodied human perception in service robotics. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO), May 2024.

  3. Tao Yang, Jinwen Hu, You Li, Cheng Zhao, Li Sun, Tomas Krajnik, and Zhi Yan. 3D ToF LiDAR for mobile robotics in harsh environments: A review. Unmanned Systems, April 2024.

  4. Iaroslav Okunevich, Vincent Hilaire, Stephane Galland, Olivier Lamotte, Liubov Shilova, Yassine Ruichek, and Zhi Yan. Human-centered benchmarking for socially-compliant robot navigation. European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), September 2023.

  5. Tomas Vintr, George Broughton, Tomas Roucek, Zhi Yan, and Tomas Krajnik. Dataset collection for long-term forecasting of human presence, motion and activity. ICRA Workshop on Long-term Human Motion Prediction, May 2023.

  6. Zhi Yan, Li Sun, Tomas Krajnik, Tom Duckett, and Nicola Bellotto. Towards long-term autonomy: A perspective from robot learning. AAAI-23 Bridge Program on AI & Robotics, February 2023.

  7. Tomas Vintr, Jan Blaha, Martin Rektoris, Jiri Ulrich, Tomas Roucek, George Broughton, Zhi Yan, and Tomas Krajnik. Toward benchmarking of long-term spatio-temporal maps of pedestrian flows for human-aware navigation. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, May 2022.

  8. Tao Yang, You Li, Cheng Zhao, Dexin Yao, Guanyin Chen, Li Sun, Tomas Krajnik, and Zhi Yan. 3D ToF LiDAR in mobile robotics: A review. arXiv, February 2022.


  1. Iaroslav Okunevich, Alexandre Lombard, Tomas Krajnik, Yassine Ruichek, and Zhi Yan. Online Context Learning for Socially-compliant Navigation. 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40), Video Session, September 2024.

  2. Iaroslav Okunevich, Vincent Hilaire, Stephane Galland, Olivier Lamotte, Liubov Shilova, Yassine Ruichek, and Zhi Yan. Human-centered benchmarking for socially-compliant robot navigation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Poster Session, May 2023.



[04-04-2023]: Une rencontre annuelle autour des métiers de la mobilité, L’Est Républicain

Public Demonstrations

[20-02-2024]: Portes ouvertes UTBM

[04-04-2023]: Mobicampus around mobility at the Mattern Lab in Sochaux

[04-03-2023]: Portes ouvertes UTBM

[29-09-2022]: BE 4.0 - Industries of the Future exhibition in Mulhouse

Research project funded by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, 2021-2024 (3 years).